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Saturday, May 30, 2009

rain's quotes..

nih ada laa ckit ayat rain yg aku amik kt internet..

sumanya mmg 100% dr rain..aku just copy n paste jerk..huhu

so, renung2 kn lah brsama-sama ye..

Rain's Quotes

1. "Endless effort, endless endurance, endless modest."

"People who are right handed but want to use their left hand to eat must go though practice. If there's no vigorous practice then you will naturally use your right hand. If you practiced vigorously, only then will you be able to use your left hand to hold your spoon and eat."

3. There are many Singers who are stronger than me. I hear this from new singers a lot, and they say, "I want to beat Rain". But if they sleep for 10 hours, I will only sleep for 5 hours, and I will practice harder. If Koreans are proud of talking about "Rain" when they are out and about then that would great. No matter where I am or what I do, I always want to be a great singer. I want to hear things like, "If China has 李무개, then Korea has 'Rain'".

When people look down on you, if you made a desperate decision, that kind of decision will make you work hard to death, that moment is very scared. I am always afraid to loss to myself. I am afraid to rest, I am hesitate between sleep and practice, when I finally decided to sleep this worries me. Only when you went through hardship you will feel you actually achieved.

5. Sometimes living does not feel like living for me because I am too busy, I even think "why do I have to live like this?" But good chance comes I don't want to give up. I already made my decision to concentrate on my career when I am young. Although this appears to be very sad, but when there are free times the thing that I wanted to do the most is still "practice".

I hope to be accepted by people rather than they just like me. How far can my career go? How much handsome can my image be? Who knows? I think the difficulty is not coming from people, it is coming from myself

"If I feel too relived, then I will collapse" when I was in high school, I wrote this sentence and taped on top of the ceiling. While I lay down on my bed I will see this sentence. I always remind myself that I cannot be lazy.

8. Sometimes after I sang and danced for 2, 3 songs I felt very painful, it is like something tumbled from inside. Whenever at this moment I will think of the old lady who sells my recording tape from the Han market, it helps me to defeat these pain.

When I was still a newbie, most people's reaction would be like "Who is he?" Every time when I walk on the stage I hope to gain more fans. I would say to myself, "No matter what happens to this person today, I must make her become my fan." Out of thousands of audience, there must be one of them that pay attention to me, because of such anticipation, when I am dancing I give it all.

10. I thought of many things while I was doing oversea activities, I felt the most urgent need is English. These days I have been thinking about the English problem from day and night, if I can pass English then later (example: entering U.S. market, oversea activities) I won't have any barriers.

Even if I only have one minute and one second of life, I will still do my best on my work. I really want to know what path can my ability bring me. This way, before I die and when I think of my life's failure, does not matter how much is success and failure, I will still think my life is successful. Why do I say this? Because I pay endless effort. In the future, I will try out new emerging things or things that defeat only after hard struggles, this include things that I cannot do.

Within 3 minutes and 40 seconds, singer not only needs to sing and dance, singer needs to be actor, one eye contact and a smile can interact with the audience. During my 2nd album promotion, I didn't dance on the stage, instead I was shaking hands with the audience and the noise was pretty good. Singers need 100% acting skills on stage, face expression also have choreography. I want my fans to become my family, this is like forever, 40 years later when it is raining, they will think of "ah, once had a singer name called RAIN."

13. Day by day started to have greed, because of it, it lets me arrive at today's position. Now I felt in the ashamed position. This ashamed position's meaning is, people say many good title names of me and spoke many words of praises, but I must pursue these titles and take the responsibilities, it seems like I have a long road to walk. Probably next year's time, I will let everybody see a more mature Rain appearance.

"Let them be"Even if the public wrote about him unfairly and improperly, he answered with this short reply. The people who worried about him felt embarrassed at a certain degree, he became gradually calmer. His expression was blurry- short replies, calm and didn't have any complains or discontents.

15. I do everything with my best effort so I don't feel any guilt for slacking off. In the good times and bad times I always wanted to become the successful "Rain". In the future when compared to other singers, I hope to be remembered as "hardworking singer, Rain".The most important thing is to figure out what kind of ideas to use next. Working is enjoyable for me. Misery still is my precious property. Because my own nature is insufficient, I have to push myself to practice harder, when people are sleeping -I am still working. I gain new dancing skills by doing that. I often compete with myself, so I always want to outdo myself!

16. I thought "if I do everything with my whole heart everyday, then what will I be like 10 years later?" because I have this kind of thinking, I increase the amount of practicing I do everyday, Or I could say, I never stop practicing.

17. If I want to become someone who can gain other's respect then I should give my regards to the older generation, the seniors first. Forget about having ability or not, if I don't have politeness then I will not get other people's approval.

18. When I am shooting dramas I hope to become the best actor, and when I am holding my microphone I hope to become the best artist. When I'm tired of acting, I will practice singing. When I'm tired of singing then I will practice my acting.

Rain said to Superstar Survival show's contestants: Whether you are playing or practicing you should do your best on the show and hope to become an "artist" not just an "entertainer"When asked which gift Rain would like to receive the most, Rain answered, 'I have always been afraid that I would become arrogant. If there is such a gift that can prevent becoming arrogant -then that would be nice.'

20. Actor who is enthusiastic, not only as a singer, I also wanted to hear praises such as enthusiasm as a actor.

. Before I go on stage I will make a decision, I will think to myself, "look at me, I am the best!"

When I'm on stage I change my way of thinking, I will think myself is the best. But after I left the stage, I will feel myself is the lowest level person. Who allow me to meet with Mr. Armani, how can I accept high fees for commercials. I treat myself like a newbie, maybe because of this I become more greedy for fame.

23. I felt very thankful, I have been working hard since the very beginning, this kind of living seems like recognized by the public so I felt very happy. No matter how hard the road will be in the future, I will work hard to become a person who will not suffer setback (this is to myself) and to the public, I won't disappoint anyone.

emm, bnyk ark?? mmg r bnyk ckit tp sumanya best2..

haa!! yg mn yg aku wat kaler oren tuh antara ayat yg aku suka..

ayat2 rain sumanya pnuh makna..ayat nih mmg mnunjukkn yg dia nih baek gakk orgnyer(nk promote ckit nih..)..thats why i love him..

dia x penah putus asa n pa yg bestnyer dia sntiasa berusaha keras..

dia x sombong n sygkn peminatnya..dia x penah puas ngan pa yg dia ada skang nih..

dlm idup dia mmg keja!! keja !! keja!!

sbb tuu laa dia x de makwe smpai skang nih..hihi

well, aku sanggup tggu!!
