? ??????????????Hawaii? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.4 (123 Ratings)??15 Grabs Today. 22887 Total Grabs. ????
??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Grey Blue? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.1 (91 Ratings)??15 Grabs Today. 14756 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

my cutieeee oppa!!!

aku nk jerit puas2........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku geram tgk oppa aku yg cute nih laaaaaaaaa....


cam nk g picit jerk muka dia tuhhh......

cuteeeeee gler rrr...nk pengsan dh nih...tolong2!!!!

*actually gambo kt atas tuu ley brgerak tp ntah apsal plak bila upload msok dlm blog jerk dia dh x brgerak..lantak r..jnji cute..!!