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Thursday, May 7, 2009

annyong hassayo..

annyong hassayo...

im raineem from perlis, malaysia..nih first time sy wat blog..

maybe for fun only..im just boring..

anyway, in this blog sy akan cite suma benda yg happen in my life..
from sad to the happy part..well, sje jerk..mna la tau ley ilang rsa boring nih..
well, this year sy akan amik pmr so, maybe i will not always open this blog..

after pmr nih leh laa merapu mcm2 kt blog nih nanti..huhu..

hurm, before i say goodbye, sy nk gtau little things about me as the intro in my blog..

sy nih korean fanatic n i love Rain very much..
sy skul kt derma..huhu..

bkn derma duet tuh but smk derma..

im a girl n ade cite2 nk jd seorg yg berjaya dlm hidup..

my prinsip idup is where there is a will, there is a way..

last but not least, i want to get 8As in my PMR this year..SANTOKKI!!! FIGHTING!!!