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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

my exam..

weeee...bestnyer..exam dh abes dh..huhu

pas nih cuti plak 2 minggu..x tau nk wat pa cuti nih..ngadap laptop n tgk tv jerk la..hihi

fuuh, akhirnya abes gak exam pk2..lps 1 masalh..pas nih trial plak..lg laa big problem..

then, pmr..huuh!! cpatnyer msa brlalu..x sempat nk prepare lg for pmr..

exam kali nih pn aku x sure nk dpt bapa A..aku rse exam kli nih lg susah dr pk1..

serious, aku tkot sgt nk tau result aku kali nih..for pk2 nih aku x bapa nk study sgt cam pk1 ari tuh..td pn aku agak kecewa ckit ngan result math aku..

td aku g klas sbelh nk tgk mrkh math dorang..then, aku pn join laa dorang n compare jawpn dorang ngan jwapn aku..huuh!! mmg bnyk salah laa...huhu..aku down gler wak2 tuh..

td pn time nk jwb exam kh, aku cam x de mood jerk..aku asyik pkirkn math jerk..

bkn pa klu ley aku x nk dpt B kali nih..aku mmg suke gler r subjek nih...so, thats why aku arapkn yg terbaek utk math..tp..ntah laa..x tau cmna nk ckp..aku pn risau gak nih..

hurm, agaknya aku mmg ptot kot dpt result yg kureng ckit kali nih..ye laa, aku mmg x study tol2 kali nih..aku igtkn aku ley laa survive kali nih coz result aku sblum nih pn not bad..but, still bad gakkk...huhu..sdey2

emm, now aku dh pham..so, pas nih aku kna always usaha even aku dh brjaya, right??

tp tkot gakk klu aku lupa diri..hehe

isshh!! maleh r nk cite sal exam..wat bg aku rse tension lg ada laa..

now, aku nk cite sal twilight ari tuh plak..

nih ade ckit sal summary cite nih yg aku amik kt internet..

Seventeen-year-old Bella Swan moves to Forks, a small town on Washington state's rugged coast, to live with her father, Charlie, after her mother remarries to a minor league baseball player. She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings. Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion. A few days later, Bella is nearly struck by a van in the school parking lot. Edward inexplicably moves from some feet away and stops the vehicle with his hand. He later refuses to explain this act to Bella and warns her against befriending him.
After much research, Bella eventually discovers that Edward is a vampire, though he only consumes animal blood. The pair fall in love and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family,
Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon after, three nomadic vampires—James, Victoria, and Laurent—arrive. James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human and wants to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and his family risk their lives to protect her, but James tracks Bella to Phoenix where she is hiding and lures her into a trap by claiming he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks Bella and bites her wrist, but Edward, along with the other Cullen family members, arrives before he can kill her. James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James's venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire. A severely injured Bella is taken to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom. While there, Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses. The film ends with Victoria secretly watching the pair dancing, plotting revenge for her lover James' murder.

hehe..aku sje jerk wat tulisn kecik coz nk save ruang..huhu

well, aku dh tgk 2 kli dh cite nih..mmg touching laa..full of love...hehe

first aku tgk tuu, mmg trharu gler r..besa r, aku nih sentimental ckit..layan pn lgu jiwang2..huhu

aku mmg ske cite sweet2, romantik, full of love cam nih..especially cite korea..klu aku tgk pn ley nangis tau..tuu pn klu aku tgk sorang2 laa..klu aku tgk ngan org len, mmg aku x kn teriak..cover laa ktakn..huhu

tp in real life aku x ske sgt cintan-cintun nih..aku nih anti kapel ckit la..

for me, cinta 2 bosan n just waste my time..come on laa, aku muda lg pa..still 15..bnyk menda lg yg aku nk kna pkir dr pkir menda2 yg x bwa faedah nih..tp nnt klu aku dh beso nnt len cite laaa..tp aku klu nk kapel pn ada cara trsndiri..aku x suka over2 sgt..hehe

emm, tp sumtimes tuu ade gak org yg misunderstood sal aku nih..bla aku ckp aku ska kt someone tuu maybe kt skul ka kt mne2 jerk laa, x semestinya aku JATUH CINTA..aku just men2 jerk..

maybe dier tuu ada ciri2 yg aku mnat ke..muka cam rain ke..or pape jerk laa..hehe

hurm, aku rse aku dh jatuh cinta kt sumone nih laa..dia mmg ensem, cute, baek ati, humble, ade personaliti trsndiri, tggi, sore sedap, pndai nari, sporting n mcm2 lg laa..huhu

sapa lg x len x bkn my only oppa, JUNG JI HOON..

uihh, pnjang gak aku brcrita ari nih ye..ptot laa tngn aku dh lenguh dh..huhu

so, papai..tataaa, titiiii, tutuuu...