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Saturday, May 30, 2009

rain's quotes..

nih ada laa ckit ayat rain yg aku amik kt internet..

sumanya mmg 100% dr rain..aku just copy n paste jerk..huhu

so, renung2 kn lah brsama-sama ye..

Rain's Quotes

1. "Endless effort, endless endurance, endless modest."

"People who are right handed but want to use their left hand to eat must go though practice. If there's no vigorous practice then you will naturally use your right hand. If you practiced vigorously, only then will you be able to use your left hand to hold your spoon and eat."

3. There are many Singers who are stronger than me. I hear this from new singers a lot, and they say, "I want to beat Rain". But if they sleep for 10 hours, I will only sleep for 5 hours, and I will practice harder. If Koreans are proud of talking about "Rain" when they are out and about then that would great. No matter where I am or what I do, I always want to be a great singer. I want to hear things like, "If China has 李무개, then Korea has 'Rain'".

When people look down on you, if you made a desperate decision, that kind of decision will make you work hard to death, that moment is very scared. I am always afraid to loss to myself. I am afraid to rest, I am hesitate between sleep and practice, when I finally decided to sleep this worries me. Only when you went through hardship you will feel you actually achieved.

5. Sometimes living does not feel like living for me because I am too busy, I even think "why do I have to live like this?" But good chance comes I don't want to give up. I already made my decision to concentrate on my career when I am young. Although this appears to be very sad, but when there are free times the thing that I wanted to do the most is still "practice".

I hope to be accepted by people rather than they just like me. How far can my career go? How much handsome can my image be? Who knows? I think the difficulty is not coming from people, it is coming from myself

"If I feel too relived, then I will collapse" when I was in high school, I wrote this sentence and taped on top of the ceiling. While I lay down on my bed I will see this sentence. I always remind myself that I cannot be lazy.

8. Sometimes after I sang and danced for 2, 3 songs I felt very painful, it is like something tumbled from inside. Whenever at this moment I will think of the old lady who sells my recording tape from the Han market, it helps me to defeat these pain.

When I was still a newbie, most people's reaction would be like "Who is he?" Every time when I walk on the stage I hope to gain more fans. I would say to myself, "No matter what happens to this person today, I must make her become my fan." Out of thousands of audience, there must be one of them that pay attention to me, because of such anticipation, when I am dancing I give it all.

10. I thought of many things while I was doing oversea activities, I felt the most urgent need is English. These days I have been thinking about the English problem from day and night, if I can pass English then later (example: entering U.S. market, oversea activities) I won't have any barriers.

Even if I only have one minute and one second of life, I will still do my best on my work. I really want to know what path can my ability bring me. This way, before I die and when I think of my life's failure, does not matter how much is success and failure, I will still think my life is successful. Why do I say this? Because I pay endless effort. In the future, I will try out new emerging things or things that defeat only after hard struggles, this include things that I cannot do.

Within 3 minutes and 40 seconds, singer not only needs to sing and dance, singer needs to be actor, one eye contact and a smile can interact with the audience. During my 2nd album promotion, I didn't dance on the stage, instead I was shaking hands with the audience and the noise was pretty good. Singers need 100% acting skills on stage, face expression also have choreography. I want my fans to become my family, this is like forever, 40 years later when it is raining, they will think of "ah, once had a singer name called RAIN."

13. Day by day started to have greed, because of it, it lets me arrive at today's position. Now I felt in the ashamed position. This ashamed position's meaning is, people say many good title names of me and spoke many words of praises, but I must pursue these titles and take the responsibilities, it seems like I have a long road to walk. Probably next year's time, I will let everybody see a more mature Rain appearance.

"Let them be"Even if the public wrote about him unfairly and improperly, he answered with this short reply. The people who worried about him felt embarrassed at a certain degree, he became gradually calmer. His expression was blurry- short replies, calm and didn't have any complains or discontents.

15. I do everything with my best effort so I don't feel any guilt for slacking off. In the good times and bad times I always wanted to become the successful "Rain". In the future when compared to other singers, I hope to be remembered as "hardworking singer, Rain".The most important thing is to figure out what kind of ideas to use next. Working is enjoyable for me. Misery still is my precious property. Because my own nature is insufficient, I have to push myself to practice harder, when people are sleeping -I am still working. I gain new dancing skills by doing that. I often compete with myself, so I always want to outdo myself!

16. I thought "if I do everything with my whole heart everyday, then what will I be like 10 years later?" because I have this kind of thinking, I increase the amount of practicing I do everyday, Or I could say, I never stop practicing.

17. If I want to become someone who can gain other's respect then I should give my regards to the older generation, the seniors first. Forget about having ability or not, if I don't have politeness then I will not get other people's approval.

18. When I am shooting dramas I hope to become the best actor, and when I am holding my microphone I hope to become the best artist. When I'm tired of acting, I will practice singing. When I'm tired of singing then I will practice my acting.

Rain said to Superstar Survival show's contestants: Whether you are playing or practicing you should do your best on the show and hope to become an "artist" not just an "entertainer"When asked which gift Rain would like to receive the most, Rain answered, 'I have always been afraid that I would become arrogant. If there is such a gift that can prevent becoming arrogant -then that would be nice.'

20. Actor who is enthusiastic, not only as a singer, I also wanted to hear praises such as enthusiasm as a actor.

. Before I go on stage I will make a decision, I will think to myself, "look at me, I am the best!"

When I'm on stage I change my way of thinking, I will think myself is the best. But after I left the stage, I will feel myself is the lowest level person. Who allow me to meet with Mr. Armani, how can I accept high fees for commercials. I treat myself like a newbie, maybe because of this I become more greedy for fame.

23. I felt very thankful, I have been working hard since the very beginning, this kind of living seems like recognized by the public so I felt very happy. No matter how hard the road will be in the future, I will work hard to become a person who will not suffer setback (this is to myself) and to the public, I won't disappoint anyone.

emm, bnyk ark?? mmg r bnyk ckit tp sumanya best2..

haa!! yg mn yg aku wat kaler oren tuh antara ayat yg aku suka..

ayat2 rain sumanya pnuh makna..ayat nih mmg mnunjukkn yg dia nih baek gakk orgnyer(nk promote ckit nih..)..thats why i love him..

dia x penah putus asa n pa yg bestnyer dia sntiasa berusaha keras..

dia x sombong n sygkn peminatnya..dia x penah puas ngan pa yg dia ada skang nih..

dlm idup dia mmg keja!! keja !! keja!!

sbb tuu laa dia x de makwe smpai skang nih..hihi

well, aku sanggup tggu!!




pas nih aku boring laa..!!!

tmbh2 hr cuti cam nih..!!

x tau nk wat pe laa..!!

sok abg aku dh nk balik kl..so, aku dok sorg2 jerk laa..

hiisshh!! nyampah tol..sal pe wak2 cuti pnjang plak dia nk balik sana..

emm, lg pn wat pa dia dok lama..kekadang tuu kitorang gaduh gak..huhu

tp ade gak time kitorang gla2..haha

alaa..x de laa slalu sgt..pa yg bestnye time dia blik sure perut aku msti kenyang pnya..

dia nih asalnya nk jd chef tp x jd..hoho..

mcm2 dia masak..best laa..klu kt umah mmg aku mkn bnyk tp klu kt luar mkn ckit jerk..hehe

ehh, asal aku cita sal dia plak nih...tetiba plak dia jd topik aku ari nih..huhu

emm, cite sal menda len laa..cita sal pe erk??

okk..td aku g skul ada bengkel pmr..

wak2 first wak2 kaunseling..second, wak2 math..

pling bestnyer time kaun laa..aku x larat nk gelak ngan cikgu tuh..pndai plak dia wat lawak n wat bg aku x rsa ngantokk..hihi

hurm, nama pn ckgu kaun msti laa pndai wat kita rsa trhibur..

tetiba plak aku tingin nk jd cikgu kaun..cam best jerk..x yah nk msok klas nk hadap plak ngan budak2 yg malas wat keja skul..then, x hormat sikgu plak tuu..

klu jd cikgu kaun, ley duk kt dlm bilik jerk..just tggu budak yg ada problem dtg kt kita..lgpn bknnya hr2 budak2 ada masalh, so aku ley r rilek kt dlm bilek tuh smbil menatap poster rain yg aku pelekat kt dinding bilik, then, aku layan laa plak lagu rainism..haha..hiishh!! cikgu pa camtuu..?!?! huhu

isshh!! merepek r aku nih..bkn senang nk jd cikgu kaun..

kita kna bnyk brsabar n kna jd seorg pendengar yg setia..aku nih ley ke??

then, kna bg semangat kt budak tuu plak..well, ku nih klu dgr problem org maybe ley laa, tp klu nk bg nasihat tuh x de laa terer sgt..ye laa, aku pn x betul nk nasihat org plak..hehe

tmbah2 kna plak ngan budak yg disiplin dia trok..uiii, abes laa aku..silap2 aku yg kna kaunseling balik..haha

hmm, pape pn aku still mnat nk jd cikgu nih..x kra laa ckgu pa pn coz pd aku ckgu tuu mmg satu keja yg sgt mulia..bygkn klu x dak cikgu sapa yg nk memerintah ngara nih..x kn ada gak doktor, lawyer, angkasawn, sainstis, penyarah n mcm2 lg laa..huhu, aku nih mngalahkn pakar motivasi plak..

tp klu ley laa kn aku nk jd ckgu yg brpndidikn tggi..aku nk jd ckgu yg ada phd..bru laa org pndang..kihkih

uiihh, bkn men lg noo aku dok berangn, tp study malas plak!!!

issh, apa nk jd laa ko nih haa?!?!

haha..asalnya aku nk cita psal cuti aku yg boring tp trtukar topic plak..jd laa topik cita-citaku d msa hadapn..kih3

Thursday, May 28, 2009

bi rain expressions...

emm, boring r...x tau nk wat pe..

so, kite tgk muka rain jap yee..

ley ilang rse boring nih..hehe

cutiee face..

full of emotion...

antara bnyk2 gambo, gambo kt atas nih yg paling sdey skali..ble tgk dia nangis, aku pn cam nk nangis skali..cheewaah!!


sje jerk tuu..aku tgh bosan..

x tau nk wat pe, nih laa keja aku..

x de keje cari keje!!!(aikk, cam knal jerk ayat tuu..huhu)

k, arhh..papai..

my cutieeee oppa!!!

aku nk jerit puas2........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku geram tgk oppa aku yg cute nih laaaaaaaaa....


cam nk g picit jerk muka dia tuhhh......

cuteeeeee gler rrr...nk pengsan dh nih...tolong2!!!!

*actually gambo kt atas tuu ley brgerak tp ntah apsal plak bila upload msok dlm blog jerk dia dh x brgerak..lantak r..jnji cute..!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

my exam..

weeee...bestnyer..exam dh abes dh..huhu

pas nih cuti plak 2 minggu..x tau nk wat pa cuti nih..ngadap laptop n tgk tv jerk la..hihi

fuuh, akhirnya abes gak exam pk2..lps 1 masalh..pas nih trial plak..lg laa big problem..

then, pmr..huuh!! cpatnyer msa brlalu..x sempat nk prepare lg for pmr..

exam kali nih pn aku x sure nk dpt bapa A..aku rse exam kli nih lg susah dr pk1..

serious, aku tkot sgt nk tau result aku kali nih..for pk2 nih aku x bapa nk study sgt cam pk1 ari tuh..td pn aku agak kecewa ckit ngan result math aku..

td aku g klas sbelh nk tgk mrkh math dorang..then, aku pn join laa dorang n compare jawpn dorang ngan jwapn aku..huuh!! mmg bnyk salah laa...huhu..aku down gler wak2 tuh..

td pn time nk jwb exam kh, aku cam x de mood jerk..aku asyik pkirkn math jerk..

bkn pa klu ley aku x nk dpt B kali nih..aku mmg suke gler r subjek nih...so, thats why aku arapkn yg terbaek utk math..tp..ntah laa..x tau cmna nk ckp..aku pn risau gak nih..

hurm, agaknya aku mmg ptot kot dpt result yg kureng ckit kali nih..ye laa, aku mmg x study tol2 kali nih..aku igtkn aku ley laa survive kali nih coz result aku sblum nih pn not bad..but, still bad gakkk...huhu..sdey2

emm, now aku dh pham..so, pas nih aku kna always usaha even aku dh brjaya, right??

tp tkot gakk klu aku lupa diri..hehe

isshh!! maleh r nk cite sal exam..wat bg aku rse tension lg ada laa..

now, aku nk cite sal twilight ari tuh plak..

nih ade ckit sal summary cite nih yg aku amik kt internet..

Seventeen-year-old Bella Swan moves to Forks, a small town on Washington state's rugged coast, to live with her father, Charlie, after her mother remarries to a minor league baseball player. She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings. Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion. A few days later, Bella is nearly struck by a van in the school parking lot. Edward inexplicably moves from some feet away and stops the vehicle with his hand. He later refuses to explain this act to Bella and warns her against befriending him.
After much research, Bella eventually discovers that Edward is a vampire, though he only consumes animal blood. The pair fall in love and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family,
Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon after, three nomadic vampires—James, Victoria, and Laurent—arrive. James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human and wants to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and his family risk their lives to protect her, but James tracks Bella to Phoenix where she is hiding and lures her into a trap by claiming he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks Bella and bites her wrist, but Edward, along with the other Cullen family members, arrives before he can kill her. James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James's venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire. A severely injured Bella is taken to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom. While there, Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses. The film ends with Victoria secretly watching the pair dancing, plotting revenge for her lover James' murder.

hehe..aku sje jerk wat tulisn kecik coz nk save ruang..huhu

well, aku dh tgk 2 kli dh cite nih..mmg touching laa..full of love...hehe

first aku tgk tuu, mmg trharu gler r..besa r, aku nih sentimental ckit..layan pn lgu jiwang2..huhu

aku mmg ske cite sweet2, romantik, full of love cam nih..especially cite korea..klu aku tgk pn ley nangis tau..tuu pn klu aku tgk sorang2 laa..klu aku tgk ngan org len, mmg aku x kn teriak..cover laa ktakn..huhu

tp in real life aku x ske sgt cintan-cintun nih..aku nih anti kapel ckit la..

for me, cinta 2 bosan n just waste my time..come on laa, aku muda lg pa..still 15..bnyk menda lg yg aku nk kna pkir dr pkir menda2 yg x bwa faedah nih..tp nnt klu aku dh beso nnt len cite laaa..tp aku klu nk kapel pn ada cara trsndiri..aku x suka over2 sgt..hehe

emm, tp sumtimes tuu ade gak org yg misunderstood sal aku nih..bla aku ckp aku ska kt someone tuu maybe kt skul ka kt mne2 jerk laa, x semestinya aku JATUH CINTA..aku just men2 jerk..

maybe dier tuu ada ciri2 yg aku mnat ke..muka cam rain ke..or pape jerk laa..hehe

hurm, aku rse aku dh jatuh cinta kt sumone nih laa..dia mmg ensem, cute, baek ati, humble, ade personaliti trsndiri, tggi, sore sedap, pndai nari, sporting n mcm2 lg laa..huhu

sapa lg x len x bkn my only oppa, JUNG JI HOON..

uihh, pnjang gak aku brcrita ari nih ye..ptot laa tngn aku dh lenguh dh..huhu

so, papai..tataaa, titiiii, tutuuu...

Saturday, May 23, 2009


what can i say this story is really great..!!!

walaupn aku x bapa nk paham sgt..hihi

hurm, ari tu kn aku ada gtau yg ayah aku bru jerk dwload cite nih so, today aku pn tgk laa..

mmg best gler laa..!!!

touching tau!!!


nnt klu aku rjin aku cite lg sal filem nih coz skang nih tgh cbuk study..

exam time u know..!!! hoho...

love robert pattinson..!!!

hehe, bye...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009




sumanya dh beres..aku dh ltak dh gadget2 aku..huhu

i mean my new gadget..

aku dh ubah sumanya...

akhirnya, sumanya ciap gak..

so, aku ley idup ngan tenang ckit pas nih..huhu

so now, welcome to my new blog..!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009



something happen..

tetibe jerk aku trdelete suma gadget aku..huuhh..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kena wat len..huhuuuu..

nak nangis laa camnih..org dh wat penat2 pas2 jd camnih plak..nyampah tol..!!!

need time to settle down all of this..sorryy..a little bit tension..


Friday, May 15, 2009

Rain's past story..


hurm, today aku nk cita sal kehidupan Rain wak2 dia kecik..actually aihara yg suh aku cita so, aku cita je laa..huuhu

hurm, cmna nk mula erk..??

k..dlu rain nih mmg asal dr family yg sgt2 miskin smpaikn x dak duet nk mkn..

ayah dia trpksa g luar ngara utk cari keja..so, hnya tggl rain, mak dia n adik dia jaa kt korea..
wak2 rain kecik2 dia slalu bantu mak dia jual kuih tiap2 pg..

hmm, dorang nih pnya laa miskin smpai 1 hr tuh rain dok kt tepi sungai..wak2 tuh dia mmg lapar tahap maksimum dh..yo laa, nk beli mkanan x de duet..then, dia nmpak ada telur lipas yg terapung kt atas air tuh..dia pn pa lg amik laa telur tuh sbb nk mkn..tp dia x sempat mkn pn..coz dia tahan gak akhirnya..fuuhh..seb baek rain x mkn klu dakkkkk...uwweekkk..!!

hurm, sal sekolah plak, dia mmg g skolah tp dia mcm pegi x pegi rr..paham ark..???huhu..

camni, dlu2 rain mmg mnat mnari smpai dia x sempat nk g skolah coz dia g mnari kt tepi2 jalan..besa r, nk cri duet laa katakn..pas2 exam dia pn trok r, pa lg..huuhu..kecian dier..

kt skul, dia diam jerk..dia tuh cam seorg yg unnoticeble kt dlm klas..dia ckp, sal tuh laa org pompuan x suka sgt kt dia(tp aku suka..kehkeh..)..apa yg org pasan sal dia tuh is his height..dlu, dia mmg tggi kt skul..

hurm, k arhh..nk cita sal mak dia plak..huhu..mmg sdey gler laa..baca k..

dlu, mak dia ada pnyakit diabetis(sory r..x tau eja la..) yg mmg trok gler r..mak dia slalu tahan sakit sorg2 coz x de duet nk beli ubat...rain pn, klu tgk mak dia tgh tahan sakit, dia akn nangis..

dlm hati, rain kata sal pa dia x mampu nk beli ubat kt mak dia..klu dia mampu beli ubat utk mak dia, sure mak dia akan chat..

wak2 dia umur 17 kot, dia ckp kt mak dia, dia nk g skul tp padahal dia x p pn..dia g keja buruh..
tp yg sedeynyer bos rain cuma bg ckit jerk gaji kt dia..bos dia ckp, rain budak2 lg so, x yah laa nk amik duet bnyk2..hiishh..kurang ajar tol laa bos dia tuh..kot nk kecian kt rain aku nih..dh plak x de duet nk mkn..huhu

tp malangnya duet yg dia dpt tuh kn ciputt je so, dia still x ley belikn mak dia ubat..huhu..sdey2..

hmm, dlm masa yg sama gak, rain x tau nk wat pa dh pas2..so, dia pn g laa mcm2 audition tp satu pn dia x dpt..alasannyer sbb mata dia yg sepet tuh..isshhh2, trok benor org yg auditionkn dia tuh..sepet tuh laa comey..huuuh..!!

last skali, dia dpt gak akhirnya..org yg train dia tuh nma park jae yong kot..tp yg aku tau org pnggil dia JYP jerk..hurm, so, jyp laa yg train dia smpai skrg nih.,

tp sbelum rain debut, mak dia dh meninggal..sedeynyer time nih..

wak2 tuh mak dh trok sgt smpaikn ada lebam2 kt badan mak dia..wak2 tuh rain ckp idup dia dh mcm kosong..dh mcm x da pa2 dh..dia mmg dh tol2 kecewa ngan kehidupn dia..

seminggu lpas mak dia x da, satu menda lg yg jd kt rain nih..umah dia trbakar..abes suma benda2 kt dlm umah dia hancur..x da satu benda pn yg tggl..huwaaa, sdey gler laa..

time nih rain rasa cam nk bunuh dri jerk..dia ckp sal pa suma nih jd kt dia..apsal x jd kt org len..?!? wak2 tuh dia igt dia mmg dh nk mati dh smpai laa bla dia g tgk kali trakhir umah dia yg dh hancuss dh tuh..

wak2 dia tgh cri apa yg ptot, dia ade jmpa buku akaun n ada surat dr mak dia..kt dlm buku akaun tuh ada bnyk duet..

mak dia tulis surat tuh utk rain..mk dia suh rain jaga adik dia, jung hanna n guna duet yg mk dia simpan tuh utk bayr yuran skul adik dia n utk rain gak..mak dia pesan supaya jaga adik dia elok2 n mak dia tulis kt situ yg mak dia sygkn dia n adik dia..

wak2 nih, rain trduduk n trsentak..dia mula start nangis..dia trpkir so, selama nih mak dia dok tahan sakit semata-mata utk simpan duet untk rain n adik dia..mak dia x penah langsung gna duet tuh utk beli ubat penyakit dia tuh..

rain mula trpkir..saat nih laa msanya dia akan buktikn kt dunia yg dia akn brjaya demi utk mak dia gak..dia ckp dia x akn brputus asa n dia akan tros keja keras smpai brjaya..dia nk jd mcm mak dia yg x penah brputus asa n sentiasa work hard..

start dr sini laa, rain mula bangkit smula..rain akan jdkn mak dia sbg semangat dia utk brjaya..dia ckp yg dia dh anggap mak dia tuh segala-sgalanya..dia dh anggap mak dia sbg agama dia yg dia prcaya sgt2..

wak2 first debut rain utk lgu bad guy, dia nangis wak2 nk bg ucapan..dia ckp anugerah nih dia akn simpn utk mak dia..dia gak ada kata klu laa mk dia still idup lg, mak dia msti bangga dgn kejayaan dia nih..huhu..sdey2..x tau cmna nk ckp..rsa cam nk nangis jerk..

skrg nih setiap kali rain keluarkn album or ada drama/filem dia yg akan kuar kt pasaran, dia akn g kt kubur mak dia n cita sumanya kt mak dia..huhu..touching kn..??

sbelum nih wak2 debut dia kt jepun dia ada nyanyi satu lgu untk mak dia..dlm lagu tuh dia cita sumanya sal mak dia..mmg touching gla wak2 nih..

smpai skrg dia still anggap mak dia sgala-sgalanya..tp ada gak dia trpkir klu laa dlu dia ada duet cam skrg nih, sure dia akan idup bahagia ngan mak dia..

haa, lg satu, rain ckp mak dia slalu pesan kt dia supaya jd seorg yg humble, work hard n sentiasa brsifat sederhana..so, tu laa yg jd moto idup rain smpai skrg..rain mmg x penah lupa pesanan mak dia tuh..mmg rain seorg yg humble sgt(bkn aku yg ckp k..artis len yg kwn ngan dia yg ckp)..tp mmg rain nih baek pn..klu x aku x mnat dia laa..dia x mcm artis korea yg len..dia x penah lupa diri..

hurm, 2 jerk laa cita sal Rain aku yg mmg sedey nih..wak2 aku tgk rain luahkn suma nih kt tv, dia nmpk cam nk nangis..dgn sora dia yg serak2 basah tuh pas2 dgn mata dia yg berair tuh, aku mmg x ley tahan..smpaikn aku pn cam trsentak ckit..nangis tuh nangis gak tp ckit jaa..huuhu..

nih gambo2 family dia..

rain's dad..

rain with his dad..

adik rain, jung hanna..

hurm, k arhh..aku pn dh sedey dh nih..so, nk out dlu laa..

bye...love my oppa..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ninja assassin..

yeahhhh...ninja assassin will attack malaysia on 26 november 2009..!!

weeeee...x sabonya nk g cinema tgk my Rain brlakon..huhu

nih filem hollywood dia yg kedua..yg first tuh speed racer tp dia jd watak sampingan jaa..buttt..
dlm filem ninja assassin nih dia jd main role..tuh yg exited sgt nk g tgk tuh..hihi

yg bestnyerrr time tuh aku dh abes pmr..!!! ley laa g tgk tp aku ada problem ckit laa...

cmner aku nk pujuk ayah aku g cinema haa..??

bkn pe..ayah aku tuh klu ajak g mkn or jln2 dia no hal but klu ajak g tgk cinema, waallahhualam laa..sal aku pn dh lame x ajak dia g tgk wayang..

sepnjang aku idup 15 thun nih, bru sekali aku g tgk wayang..aku igt lg time tuh ayah aku bwk p tgg cita senario..huuhuu

hurm, tp kn aku dh pkir dh ayat pa yg aku nk gna utk cairkn dia..huhu..
aku igt aku nk promote ckit filem nih kt dia..nnt aku ckp laa yg filem nih filem yg best skali..pas2 ade bnyk action plak..well, ayah aku mmg ske tgk cita action tp dia ske tgk cita action yg omputih pnyer..

alaa, cmner nih nk pujuk dia..btw, i will try smpai dpt gak..klu x dpt aku plan nk tarik muka 100 darjah bg ayah aku simpati ckit..hihii

tp kn klu ley tgk ngan kengkwn aku lg bes..besa r, dh abes pmr so, enjoy laa ckit..

hurm, cita sal movie nih, aku ade mende ckit nk ckp..

ayah aku bru jaa dwnload movie best2 cam slumdog, twillight, indiana jones, rambo, bedtime stories n x-men wolverine..

tp aku prefer dua jerk that is slumdog ngan twillight..ade sbb tau sal pe aku plih cita tuh..

cita slumdog tuh mmg aku nk tgk lama dh pn especially when my tecer told me to watch that movie..dia ciap promote g yg cita nih bes..aku pn makin membara laa nk tgk filem nih..

besides, aku tgk kt tv n majalah cita nih mmg antra yg paling bes kt dunia n mmg dpt bnyk award pn..lg 1, hero dia walaupn itam tp cute laa..huhu

tp kn cita nih sensitif ckit sal dia sentuh about agama Islam..hmm, aku no komen laa sbb aku pn x tgk lg..tp klu dh tol2 sensitif sgt, mmg aku akn reject filem nih..well, kuat iman ktakn..hukhuk..

cte twillight plak coz kwn2 aku ckp cite nih bes..its about vampire love..

mula2 tuh, bla kwn aku ckp yg cita nih sal pontianak, aku trus reject cita nih..besa r, aku nih x bapa ska sgt cita seram2 nih..penakut laa ktakn..kehkeh

tp bla dia ckp yg cita nih sal vampire love, aku dh mula suka ckit..pas2 dia ade laa cita ckit sal summary of this film..well, not bad gak laa..

so, aku amik kputusn yg aku nk tgk cita nih..huuhu

aku nih lbih sukakn filem2 yg action cam jackie chan..aku gak ska ngan cita love story but not made from indon laa..hihi

bkn pa, aku bkn x suka ngan cita2 indon nih tp balik2 asyik dok topik yg sama jerk..bosanlah..!!

aku pn x tau sal pa org melayu ska sgt cita made in indon nih..hurm, mybe coz pelakon2 dia encem2 n cntik2 kot..

butt dlm bnyk2 cita indon nih ade gak cita indon yg aku ska..ayat ayat cinta..waaa, cita tuh tol2 bes la..tu jer laa cita indon yg aku mnat pn..

sumtimes tuh, aku pn trtarik gak ngan kehenseman dorang but jalan cita yg x mnarik mmbuatkn aku bosan laa..len laa klu cita love story made in korea tuh..

hero2 dia bkn jaa hnsem n cute tp jalan cita dia..perghh..!! bes gla laa..(nk promote cita korea nih especially FULL HOUSE..jgn lpe tgk k..)

tp aku nih lbih prefer to cita or filem yg bg aku inspirasi selain dr mmbuatkn kta bnyk brpkir n ley bg kt kta kesan yg mndlm..

k arhh..aku nk blah dlu..nk g study..japg kna marah ngan mak aku lark coz x study..hikhik..

bye..love u..!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



1) Copy award di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda

  • yeap..dh copy dh..

2) Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini

  • baek
  • cute
  • simple
  • cool
  • tinggi

3) Setiap blogger perlu menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sendiri
sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya.

  • nk dpt 8A pmr 2009
  • baek
  • berfikiran jauh
  • suka surf internet
  • suka tgk tv
  • cloud of Rain
  • lembut hati
  • sensitif
  • korean fanatik
  • suka kucing

4)anda perlu memilih penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka oK..

  • sape2 pn x pe..

Monday, May 11, 2009


yeah..exam come again..

dlm bnyak2 prkara, bnda nih laa salah satu yg aku x suka dgr..bla dgr nk exam jerk, kecut perut beeebbb..senak gla mengalahkan org nk brsalin..huhu..just joke..

ntahlah..aku nih klu tnya nk brjaya ke x, of coz aku ckp nk..but sometimes, aku still ada vitamin M lg..vitamin MALAS..!!!

x tau dh cmne nk buang rsa malas nih..klu ada ubat yg tol2 brkesan untk buang vitamin nih, dh lma aku beli buat stok sndri kt umah..hiihiii..

tp malangnya x de..

aku tau idup nih walau apa pn yg brlaku tiada shortcut utk success..but...

why ?!?!?!?!?!

sbb inilah lumrah dunia..apa2 pn kta kna usaha dlu bru ley brjaya..mcm prinsip aku gak, where there is a will, there is a way..

cheeewaahhh..!!!! aku nih cam ahli falsafah laa plak..kuikuikui...

hurm, k lah, back to the topic..

aku actually x wat pa2 pn lg untk exam pk2 nih..aku ada laa gak study tp x abes lg..i mean bnyk mende lg yg aku x bca..

klu aritu aku dpt 4A4B(x de laa terer sgt..), kali nih aku nk make sure nk dpt lebey dr tu..

hmm, actually aku study sbb semestinya mstilah nk brjaya but at the same time, aku nk bg hadiah for my mom n dad..besides, aku nk buktikn kt family aku yg aku gak ley brjaya..

yo lah, abg2 aku tuh slalu ckp "mcm nih nk dpt 8A..blajr pn dak tp ckp jaa lebey.."

aduyai, nyampah tol aku ngan dia tuh..sakit telinga bla dengar beeebbb...

hurm, lntak laa..whatever is it, i still want to success..tp kn bla dpkir-pkirkn balik tol gak apa yg dia ckp tuh..aku nih mmg agak malas gak, camna nk brjaya klu cmtuh..

aiseymenn, mn g prinsip aku untuk brjaya tuh..WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY..!!!

remember that, Tasnem..!!!!!!!!

k, arhhh..nk chow laa dlu..

nnt klu ada cite best2, aku cpat2 posting k..

bye, muaaahhhhhhhhh....saranghaeyo..!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

history of my cat..

hurm..boring laa..x tau nk posting pa so, i posting about my cat je laa erk..

this is my cat named Oyen..tp kekadang tuh aku suka panggil dia jack, simon, ushuk, baby n mcm2 lg laa..

sejarah idup dia start bla mak dia, Manja lahirkn dia kt bawah katil aku..aku pn pa lg, hepy gla laa coz dpt ank kucing bru..hurm, tarikh lahir dia aku lpa lark..hihi..

but what i know is skang nih umur dia dh 3 thun rsanya..

first tuh, dia ada 4 beradik include him(refer to Oyen not human..hihi)..sumanya betina except him..

tp malangnya suma adik bearadik dia dh innalillah..ada yg ilang, ada yg sakit n ada yg bunuh diri..opps, bkn bunuh diri laa..xcident jerk...hhwwwaaa..nangis x berlagu aku time tuh..tp apa ley wat..dh nasib dorang cam tuh..

after that, aku pn bela laa dia smpai laa aku dpt tau yg Oyen curang ngan aku..dia dh ada tuan len laa...huhu..

tuan dia tuh jiran aku named Qayyum..tau ark umur dia bapa thn??..

only 6 years..tp aku ley kalah ngan budak hingusan cam tuh..hikhik..lawak jaa..aku suka laa gak kt Qayyum tuh coz dia comey tp naughty ckit laa...

rupa-rupanya Oyen tiap2 mlm tidur ngan Qayyum...hurm,lantaklah..at least, save laa ckit ikan kt umah aku tuh coz Qayyum pn bg Oyen mkn gak...ahakzz!!!

ok, now i want to tell u about his attitude..

Oyen nih penyayang orgnya..dia gak sekor kucing yg baek n penyabar..

kt umah aku bkn ada Oyen jaa tp ada Manja(Oyen's mom) n The White Blacks..

The White Blacks or TWB tuh adik beradik tiri Oyen..yo laa Manja tuh kn cantik so, ramai laa kucing2 jantan kt umah aku tuh yg nk ngorat dia..hurm,lantaklah klu Manja nk kawin 10 pn aku x ksah..asalkn ada Oyen , cukup laa..hihi..TWB terdiri drpd White, Putih n Simon..nih gambo dorang...




dorang nih mmg cute tp perangai dorang nih, mak aiiii..!!!pengecut gla..!!!
every time i try to approach them sure dorang lari pnya..apa?!? ingat aku nih big foot ka haa...!!!
hurm, lntak dorang laa..aku x ksah pn..

nk djadikan cita setiap kali lepas dorang(Oyen, TWB n Manja) breakfast, lunch or dinner, dorang msti relax jap n bersihkn bulu dorang tuh..

time nih laa Oyen aku mnjalankn tugas dia sbg pncuci bulu spenuh masa..time nih dia akan jilat @ bersihkn bulu TWB n Manja..so sweet..!!!cutenyer wak2 dia jilatkn bulu dorg suma..

so, thats why aku ckp Oyen nih penyayang..

Oyen mmg baek especially wak2 dia n de geng tengah lapar..time nih dia akan keluarkn bunyinya yg sememmgnya sakit telinga bla dgr..he will 'Meowww...Meowww...Meowww' till i give him food..

tp yg aku geram tuh bla aku bg dia ikan, dia x mkn pn..but he give that fish to TWB n Manja..geramnyer aku..!!dh plak ikan pn dh nk abes, dia plak bg kt org len..

n then bru laa dia terhegeh-hegeh nk ikan lg..huh..!!jgn arap aku nk bg..sapa suh ko bg kt org len..padan muka..!!!hoho...

Oyen, dia mmg sorg yg sabar coz kt kawasan umah aku tuh ada laa sekor kucing gangster yg slalu kacu Oyen..

that cat always je cari gaduh ngan Oyen smpai Oyen pn dh tkot nk kuar umah..

hisshhh!!nyampah tol aku ngan kucing gangster tuh..mentang2 laa dia tuh beso cam anak gajah, nk kaco kucing org lak..kekadang tuh trpkir gak aku nk sembelih dia nk wat sup..tp aku x nk mkn, aku bg org len mkn..huh, sure x de org nk mkn pnya.. sapa nk mkn sup kucing..!!!kehkeh..

hmm, every time kucing tuh cri pasal ngan Oyen, he never balas balik..thats why i said yg dia nih sabo orgnya..

uuiihh..dh lenguh dh den nulis nih..nk g study laa plak k..but before that ada pesanan utk korang suma..

kta as human brtimbang rsa laa ckit kt kucing coz they need our attention and protection too..
dorg idup sebatang kara jaa so, pkir2 n renung2 lah brsama-sama..

k, bye...


best tol laa video nih..this is fan made of Rain..really nice video coz lgu background dia is my feveret..

besides, video nih told me how friendly Rain with his fan..huhu..so cute my Rain..!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

10 Mei......

hurm..10 mei nih hr ibu..

actually, nih first time aku tau yg 10 mei is mother's day..

trok tol laa aku nih..

no lah..x der laa trok sgt..

aku nih maybe x tunjuk sgt yg i love my mom but..

only my heart know how i love her very much..she's my hero of my life..

yo laa..mak kita x kn x syg kot..huhu..but..

i dont know laa nk wat pa hr tuh..ada gak plan nk beli kek n nk wat majlis besar-besaran kt

Hotel Golden of Palace kt KL tuh..tp sememangnya x kn berlaku pnya..

mna laa aku nk cri duet nk wat kt hotel bsar cam tuh..

for me, maybe hadiah or kad for mother's day x penting but..

the most important is sebrapa bnyk yg kta sygkn mak kta..

but itu terpulang laa pd individu nk wat cmna pn..

tp klu aku cam tuh je laa..asalkn aku tau yg i love my mom very much, thats enough for


hurm, touching plak story aku kali nih..so, lets cheer ckit..

well, aku rsa cam sonok plak ade blog..this my second posting..

rsa cam sumanya dh terluah from my heart..hihi..

anyway, takat nih je laa cite aku yg x sebrapa nih..x de laa best sgt but only for ilangkn rsa

boring nih..
so, see yeah..!!

annyong hassayo..

annyong hassayo...

im raineem from perlis, malaysia..nih first time sy wat blog..

maybe for fun only..im just boring..

anyway, in this blog sy akan cite suma benda yg happen in my life..
from sad to the happy part..well, sje jerk..mna la tau ley ilang rsa boring nih..
well, this year sy akan amik pmr so, maybe i will not always open this blog..

after pmr nih leh laa merapu mcm2 kt blog nih nanti..huhu..

hurm, before i say goodbye, sy nk gtau little things about me as the intro in my blog..

sy nih korean fanatic n i love Rain very much..
sy skul kt derma..huhu..

bkn derma duet tuh but smk derma..

im a girl n ade cite2 nk jd seorg yg berjaya dlm hidup..

my prinsip idup is where there is a will, there is a way..

last but not least, i want to get 8As in my PMR this year..SANTOKKI!!! FIGHTING!!!