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Saturday, September 26, 2009

my latest news!

annyoung......waaa~~miss my blog soo much..haha
dh lma x update blog aku nih..buzy laa nk pmr..huhu

anway,lpe lak nk ucap selamat ari raya kt suma..
em,utk post kali nih aku rsa da byk menda nk gtau..

sblum raya ari tu ada sumthing happen..
well,its first time in my life aku ckp cam tuh kt org yg lebey tua pd aku..
i mean kt org yg x dkenali laa sbb klu ngan abg aku mmg always gado..hehe
huh! mmg ptot pn aku ckp cam tuh..mmg tua x sedar diri..astaghfirllahhalazim..
well,nk cita pn pnjg tp yg semestinya org tua tuu yg salah bkn aku..
aku cuma nk mmprtahankn org yg aku pling syg je..
smpaikn trtggi suara plak ngan mak cik tuu..hehe
ok~forget it..

em,next psal raya..
well,aku cuma g beraya umah tok aku n umah tok ngah aku je..
sbb aku nih x bapa ska nk g jln umah org nih..:)
yg pnting dpt duet raya erkkk..haha
lg satu,mlm raya tu aku g tido umah tok aku sbb spupu aku blik dr kl..
kononya nk study sbb dia pn pmr gak..
ehem3,kitorng study smpai kul 2 tau..hhaa
issh2,ntah asal lak tetiba aku ley rapat ngan dia..klu x kitorg x penah ckp pn..
mlm tu kbetuln dia ajak aku g umah tok aku..
mmg aku pn igt nk study ngan dia..sje laa lma x ckp ngan dia..
sethun sekali je jmpa dia pn..huhu

em,sebut sal pmr nih rsanya dh tggl beberapa ari jaa lg nk pmr..
aku nih nmpk je cool tp tkot gak woo~hehe..
neway,maybe ni post trakhir aku sblum pmr..
pas pmr ley laa merepek lg..haha~
wish me luck in pmr k..:)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

oppa speak english..

Question: The scenes in this movie look insane! Were you ever injured on set?

Rain: I have lots of cuts on my body. When I was doing a stunt, even though everyone took care of me, I still got hurt a lot.

Question: I heard the training you went through for the movie was really tough. What was the hardest part?

Rain: The diet was the hardest part. I ate chicken breast for eight months with vegetables. That was terrible. No sugar. No salt. I don't want to eat chicken breast anymore. I like junk food, French fries, hamburgers — I love it.

Question: Is there any action star you'd like to team up with for a movie?

Rain: When I was young, "Scarface" was my favorite film. Al Pacino is my hero. I want to work with him.

Question: Do you sing in the movie? And do you have any plans for an English-language album?

Rain: I don't sing in my film, and I don't have plans yet for an English album, but I will. Please wait for me.


rindunya oppa aku..

dh lma x bkak tenet..well,busy nk pmr laa ktakn..hek3

anyway,oppa aku nmpk pro lak ckp omputih..bkn senang org korea ley fasih ckp omputih nih..ye laa, oppa aku ambil mse yg agak lma nk blajr english nih..hehe

emm,pape pn aku mmg cedey ble dia ckp yg dia trpkse tggung beban yg berat wak2 nk brlkon filem ninja assassin tu..tp xpe, oppa aku brsemangat waja! huhu..dia sntiasa cool~